Justice for Floyd
This week’s newsletter has been postponed (I’ll share 2 next week).
As my deadline for this week’s newsletter approached, something felt wrong about writing on the usual topics I put out given the current state of world affairs.
At the same time, writing on systemic racism isn’t something I’ve done before and I didn’t want to appear opportunistic in doing so.
After speaking with a friend about how I could possibly do more in the fight against anti-blackness, we unpacked that I have a very shallow understanding when it comes to racism and a LOT to learn.
So, I’m going to use this time to educate myself and learn a little more about practical ways we can drive change.
Here are some links that I’ve been recommended:
Supporting funds and initiatives which help black people:
BLM: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019
Let me know in the comments if there’s any other resources or websites you recommend.
See you next week,